Here are my posts about Marketing, Leadership and Strategy. Read, share and comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Sep 17, 2019
Designing Market Channels in B2B Companies
Selecting marketing channels is a key decision, that can have great strategic consequences for the capacity to add value to the end user. Read for tips on how to select and manage a distributor.

Jun 20, 2019
Competitor Profiling in Nine Steps
To compete effectively, Marketing Managers in B2B companies have to know their competitors, and understand what kind of threat they pose. This research is different from the financial reports analysts provide. A written summary of each important competitor is good to have, as part of a process for collecting and disseminating new competitive information.

Jun 11, 2019
3 Steps to Better ROI from Trade Shows
Trade shows can be a cost- effective way of generating leads, fly the company colors and keep a handle on what is going on in the industry. But, it is important to pick the right show and carefully plan participation to get the best "bang for the buck".

May 28, 2019
When Marketing Bogs Down...
Even the best B2B marketing organizations will have a bad spell, where the marketing mix just does not seem to work as well any more. Inquiries go down, good leads are fewer and further apart, customer volumes are down, there are fewer clicks on the web site... what to do?

May 23, 2019
Launching New B2B Products and Services
Developing new products is a dynamic activity that helps a company stay ahead of the pack. Hopefully customer needs and wants are captured during product development; even so a well planned launch is important to get traction. Based on 20 years hard won experience, here are some things to keep in mind when planning for that perfect rollout of your new offering.

May 14, 2019
The Seven Ps of B2B Service Marketing -and a bonus P
Service Marketing has much in common with marketing of products. There are also some differences. For example, services are produced and consumed at the same time, they can not be made and then inventoried, and the quality strongly depends on the people delivering them. Read!

Apr 11, 2019
Do You Listen to the Voice of the Customer? Here is a How
Many B2B organizations do not systematically research VOC (Voice of the Customer), and fall short of what is needed for making good decisions. Since this is important, here is a practical primer to the effective collection of information about markets and customers.

Mar 28, 2019
Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Supply Chains
In a recent report Putting customers at the centre of the OEM supply chain, the Economist Intelligence Unit looks at manufacturers digital journey not in the Marketing function, but in Supply Chain. Their goal is clear: OEMs want to improve customer service and build stronger links with the product end-users.

Mar 19, 2019
Industrial Marketing for Top Line Growth
In B2B companies, growing the top line takes continuous effort. The Marketing function plays a key role, and contributes much more than market communication. Based on what's working in the real world, here are some ideas how Marketing can proactively help.

Mar 05, 2019
Develop an International Market Entry Strategy
Taking a company international is no small task. What works well in the home market might be less than perfect abroad. It is also difficult to manage from a distance, so successfully going international takes some planning. Leaders and strategists need to keep target markets, objectives, entry mode, structure and execution in mind.

Nov 28, 2016
How to win Price Wars: Avoid Them